October 2024 Episodes

Top 10 Ways to Ruin Your Primary Relationships
October 28, 2024
In this week's episode of Change Your Brain Every Day, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana sit down to discuss sure fire ways to ruin your primary relationships. Did you know that having good relationships can help you be healthier and happier—and even live longer? It’s true! In addition to how great it feels to be in a positive, warm, and satisfying relationship with another person, it’s actually helpful to your brain and body as you age. Conversely, people who are in unhealthy relationships filled with conflict and stress can become more vulnerable to sickness and earlier death.
00:00 Intro
02:10 Responsibility
04:12 Blame/Sovereignty
06:24 Talking Over One Another
08:01 Defensive Ninja Moves
10:53 Cheating/Mistrust
11:34 Sponsor
24:07 Summary
26:56 Condescending Attitudes
27:51 Contempt
28:13 Criticism
28:48 Love is Just a Feeling
29:54 No Forethought = No Foreplay
31:46 Practical Tips
33:41 Wrap Up