Reaching the Underachieving Child

Do you get irritated sometimes by the way your spouse parents your kids? Do you and your significant other disagree about the best ways to raise children?
Is one of you the “good cop” and the other the “bad cop”? Do you argue about your parenting styles?
We’ve worked with caring couples who didn’t see eye-to-eye on parenting, and we’ve helped them create a united parenting team despite their differences.
We are going to give you the same tips!
You’ll learn:
- How caring couples fall into conflict over parenting styles
- Why conflict about differing parenting styles does so much damage
- Six steps to creating a united parenting team – no matter how different you are
- Simple strategies to make it easier to change
Location: FREE Online Event
Date: August 3, 2023 @ 10 AM / 3 PM / 6 PM PST