The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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Is it Normal to Have Problematic Teenagers? Part 3 of An Interview with Dr. Jim Fay

March 30, 2017

Problematic teens are normal. At least, that's what many parents think. But today, we're going to find out if there's any basis to say if it is indeed a normal, helpless case or if there's anything we can do to resolve this. 
GUESTS Dr. Jim Fay

Taking The First Step – When is The Best Time to Get Started with Love and Logic Part 2 of an Interview with Dr. Jim Fay

March 29, 2017

It's always a question of when or how should I get started. So today, we'll have Dr. Jim Fay guide us on how to get things started and moving forward when implementing the principles of Love and Logic 
GUESTS Dr. Jim Fay

The Practical Principles of Parenting With Love and Logic – An Interview with Dr. Jim Fay Part 1

March 28, 2017

He's become one of America's most sought after presenters in the fields of parenting, positive discipline, and classroom management. Along with Foster Cline, MD, he's the co-founder of The Love and Logic Institute and co-author of the bestseller, Parenting with Love and Logic. Jim Fay has over 30 years of experience in education, serving in public, private and parochial schools in a variety of roles including elementary education, art and music teacher, school principal and administrator. He's been consulting and speaking about parenting and education for more than 30 years founding the school, Consultant Services, which is the sister company to the Cline Fay Institute in 1977.
GUESTS Dr. Jim Fay

Busting The Cholesterol Myth – Why It’s Not ALL Bad with Dr Mark Houston

March 27, 2017

Cholesterol it seems has been demonized and most of the times painted like a monster, but the truth is, it's not as bad as you think it is. Today, we're going to find out exactly when it's good and when it's bad for you.
CATEGORIES Cholesterol

The Amen Solution Rapid Fire Q&A Session – Part 3

March 25, 2017

We hope you're enjoying your weekend. Today's episode is the third installment in our four part The Amen Solution Q&A session. Enjoy your weekend treat.