The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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What Happens When You Rewire Your Brain and Thinking, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

March 25, 2021

In this final episode of a four-part series with ‘Cleaning Up Your Mental Mind’ author Dr. Caroline Leaf, she tells the story of a man who suffered years of sexual trauma, and how he used the 5-step process outlined in Dr. Leaf’s book to change his thought patterns to pave the way forward in his life. When you’re able to understand where your negative thoughts are coming from, and when you can reframe them in a positive way as this man did, you can drastically change your life.  For more info on Dr. Caroline Leaf's new book 'Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess', visit

Try this Technique to Stop Toxic Thinking, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

March 24, 2021

Toxic patterns of thinking can damage more than just your emotional health. It can also affect the physical functioning of brain and even cause inflammation in the body! In this third episode of a series with ‘Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess’ author Dr. Caroline Leaf, she and the Amens take an in-depth look at her 5 steps to a cleaner mind, including an effective technique for making sense of your personal observations to give you a map for rewriting your own thought patterns.  For more info on Dr. Caroline Leaf's new book 'Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess', visit

How to Find the Roots of Your Psychological Troubles, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

March 23, 2021

This week’s series of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast features our guest and good friend Dr. Caroline Leaf, who outlines some of the major takeaways from her new book ‘Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess’. In this episode, Dr. Leaf explains the second step in her 5-step process to cleaning up your mind, which is reflection. Dr. Leaf and the Amens give you practical tips to go deeper into your mind to explore and define the roots of your psychological issues, which is a vital step for learning to control your thoughts.  For more info on Dr. Caroline Leaf's new book 'Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess', visit

5 Steps to Managing a Messy Mind, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

March 22, 2021

When it comes to the subject of mental health, too much of the discussion is based on the fear factors associated with brain disease and destructive conditions. This negative bias led Dr. Caroline Leaf to write her new book ‘Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess’, which helps people to understand and train their minds without all the intimidation. In this first episode in a four-part series with Dr. Leaf, she and the Amens give an overview of her 5-step method to gaining control over your thoughts.  For more info on Dr. Caroline Leaf's new book 'Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess', visit

The 5-Step Process to Managing Trauma, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

May 21, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought with it a great deal of trauma for many people. Some people haven’t developed the proper coping mechanisms to help them get through these tough times, which can make things even worse. In this final episode of a series with Dr. Caroline Leaf, she illustrates her 5-step process to properly deal with emotional trauma, so you can make it through the difficult times with a healthy perspective.

Do Your Thoughts Have an Impact on Your Physical Health? With Dr. Caroline Leaf

May 20, 2020

You may be aware that stress can have a negative impact on your overall health, but what exactly is the connection between what you think and how you feel? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by author Dr. Caroline Leaf for an extensive discussion on how your emotional state influences your body to promote either health or illness.

How to Feel Comfortable with Uncertainty, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

May 19, 2020

Even without a global pandemic, the world is filled with uncertainties. The inability to properly deal with these uncertainties is one of the primary causes of trauma. In this episode, the Amens are once again joined by Dr. Caroline Leaf for a discussion of how thoughts, memories, and emotions interconnect to prepare you for whatever life throws your way.

How to Use Intention to Rewire Your Brain, with Dr. Caroline Leaf

May 18, 2020

Brain health issues have been skyrocketing during the pandemic, so it’s more important than ever that people take control to keep themselves safe. In this first episode of a series with “Switch on Your Brain” author Dr. Caroline Leaf, she and the Amens discuss how neuroplasticity allows you to make changes to way you feel and act through the process of intention.
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