Guest: Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

The Future of Stem Cell Therapy, with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
August 6, 2020
Stopping inflammation, anti-aging, and reversing menopause (!?) These are some of the potentials being explored and realized in the world of stem cell therapy, and because Brain Warriors stay informed on the cutting edge of science, this information gives us clues as to what’s possible now and what will be in the future. This episode, the last in a series with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, illustrates many of the implications regarding the use of stem cells for achieving human potential.
For more on Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, visit his page at:
CATEGORIES Inflammation, Mood
GUEST/S Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Stem Cells: Separating Fact from Fiction, with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
August 5, 2020
The conversation surrounding stem cell research and treatment can get muddled and confusing. Some say it’s a miracle cure while others say it’s not viable or practical as a treatment method. So what’s real and what’s just hype? In this episode, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are again joined by stem cell research scientist Dr. Todd Ovokaitys to shed some light on the truth about stem cells, how they are implemented to repair the body, and how they really work to rejuvenate ailing body systems.
For more on Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, visit his page at:
CATEGORIES Inflammation, Mood
GUEST/S Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

How do Stem Cells Repair the Body? With Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
August 4, 2020
Many of us have heard of stem cell therapy and are aware of its implications for human potential, but do you know how stem cell therapy actually works? In the second episode of a series with stem cell researcher Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, he and the Amens discuss the role stem cells play in human body function and repair, and why they’re so important to the future of healing processes.
For more on Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, visit his page at:
CATEGORIES Inflammation, Mood
GUEST/S Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

The Surprising Breakthrough in Stem Cell Therapy, with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
August 3, 2020
Many of the cutting edge innovations in biological research involve the use of stem cells. However, one of the biggest challenges with this type of therapy is getting the new cells to thrive once implanted. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are joined by stem cell authority Dr. Todd Ovokaitys to discuss the theory that led to his revolutionary “a-ha” moment and a breakthrough for stem cell technology.
For more on Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, visit his page at:
CATEGORIES Inflammation, Mood
GUEST/S Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
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