The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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Are You Struggling with Brain Fog? This Could Be Why

April 22, 2021

Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen answer listener's questions about pandemic weight gain, how to lose it, and how to maintain healthy habits going forward. 
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Weight Issues

COVID-19 Long Haul, Fatigue & Fighting Negative Thoughts in a Pandemic

April 13, 2021

Death toll statistics can have a negative impact on brain health and make way for harmful thoughts. Dr. Amen and Tana Amen sit down to elaborate on how to change one's focus to practicing mental discipline and how the benefits of these exercises help maintain a healthy body weight during a pandemic. 

How to Disinfect Your Thoughts, with Dr. Josh Axe

January 28, 2021

Different types of stress and emotions have measurable effects on different systems in the body. Therefore it’s crucial to pay attention to your thoughts in order to keep them from wreaking havoc on your health. In this fourth and final episode in a series with “Ancient Remedies” author Dr. Josh Axe, he and the Amens discuss the phenomenon of disinfecting your thoughts, and how you can diagnose your emotions and learn to foster positivity to keep your body and immune system strong and healthy.  For more info on Dr. Axe's new book, "Ancient Remedies", visit
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Diet, Food, Mood, Stress
GUEST/S Dr. Josh Axe

Is Too Much Sanitization a Bad Thing? With Dr. Josh Axe

January 27, 2021

As the depleted stock of hand sanitizers has shown us, sanitization is at the top of everyone’s minds during this pandemic. But is it possible that we’re sanitizing too much? Can over-sanitization actually be harmful to our health? The answers may surprise you. In this third episode in a series with Ancient Nutrition founder Dr. Josh Axe, he and the Amens discuss what may be happening to some of your vital organs if you are obsessively using sanitizer, or even using the wrong kinds of sanitizer.  For more info on Dr. Axe's new book, "Ancient Remedies", visit
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Diet, Food, Mood, Stress
GUEST/S Dr. Josh Axe

Can Mushrooms Supercharge Immunity? with Dr. Josh Axe

January 26, 2021

In Dr. Josh Axe’s upcoming book “Ancient Remedies”, he takes an in-depth look at many of the time-tested foods and nutrients that have been used in traditional healing. One of these groups of food, mushrooms, has recently cycled back into the public consciousness in a huge way. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen and Dr. Axe discuss the types of mushrooms that can give you a major immune system boost.  For more info on Dr. Axe's new book, "Ancient Remedies", visit
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Diet, Food, Mood, Stress
GUEST/S Dr. Josh Axe

Remedies That Can Help You Against COVID-19, with Dr. Josh Axe

January 25, 2021

As the coronavirus death toll continues to climb, many are searching for answers as to why some people who get the virus only have light symptoms while others die. In this week’s series of the podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are joined by “Ancient Remedies” author Dr. Josh Axe for a discussion on the tried and true wellness techniques that have been practiced throughout history, and why these strategies could now be more important than ever.  For more info on Dr. Axe's new book, "Ancient Remedies", visit
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Diet, Food, Mood, Stress
GUEST/S Dr. Josh Axe

Why the Coronavirus is Hitting Americans So Hard

January 11, 2021

As the new year begins and a new surge of coronavirus stokes the flames of fear in our country, we may be compelled to ask why it is that the COVID numbers appear to be so high in comparison to some other countries. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen share their thoughts on the cause of this phenomenon, and it’s probably not what you think. The Amens then give you tips and strategies to keep yourself healthy and safe in the new year. 

Tips to Beat COVID (If You Get It!), with Dr. Jonny Bowden

October 29, 2020

With the rate of coronavirus increasing once again with no end in sight, some are wondering if infection is more or less inevitable. Studies have shown that those with strong immune systems are able to fight off the virus, while others are simply not able to overcome it. In this fourth and final episode in a series with Dr. Jonny Bowden, he and the Amens give the practical strategies to prepare your body to fight off major viral infections such as COVID-19.  For more info on Dr. Jonny Bowden, visit

What Insulin Resistance Means to Your Body, with Dr. Jonny Bowden

October 28, 2020

In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are once again joined by the “Nutrition Myth Buster” Dr. Jonny Bowden. In this episode, the discussion is on insulin resistance, and why this marker is a major predictor for major potential health problems. Dr. Bowden and the Amens also reveal which tests should be considered in place of the traditional cholesterol test to give you more important information. For more info on Dr. Jonny Bowden, visit

Do You Actually Need MORE Cholesterol in Your Diet? with Dr. Jonny Bowden

October 27, 2020

Although it tends to be demonized in western medicine, cholesterol is vitally important for your body. Without it, your body wouldn’t be able to create the hormones and nutrients needed for survival. So why does it seem that so many doctors tell us it needs to be as low as possible? In the second episode in a series with “The Great Cholesterol Myth” author Dr. Jonny Bowden, he and the Amens discuss why our current health system tends to steer away from the truth about cholesterol, and why this may be a mistake.   For more info on Dr. Jonny Bowden, visit
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