Guest: Sandra Maddox

Tips to Help You Get Through the Grieving Process with Sandra Maddox
March 14, 2019
In the final episode of a series on grief with Sandra Maddox, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen share a list of tips, activities, and ways of thinking that can help save you from the downward spiral that lurks at every step during the grieving process.
GUEST/S Sandra Maddox

Grief: What Do You Say to Someone? With Sandra Maddox
March 13, 2019
When someone close to us is going through the grieving process, we often want to do what we can to make that person’s experience a little more bearable. Sometimes we succeed, but sometimes we end up making it worse. In the third episode of a series on grief, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by Sandra Maddox, who gives examples from her own tragic experience to help teach the right and wrong things to say to someone in pain.
GUEST/S Sandra Maddox

What is Post Traumatic Growth? with Sandra Maddox
March 12, 2019
Life can change in the blink of an eye, like it did for Sandra Maddox when her only child was tragically killed in a car accident. But as Sandra faced the darkest of times, she found a new path to becoming whole again. In the second episode on the process of grief, Sandra is joined by Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen to chronicle the changes, both bad and good, that can result from such a catastrophic event.
GUEST/S Sandra Maddox

How One Mom Survived an Unthinkable Tragedy with Sandra Maddox
March 11, 2019
In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by Sandra Maddox for a discussion on how to cope with loss and grief. Sandra tells the heart-wrenching story of the night that her life was changed forever, and making the choice to adjust altered her life’s trajectory.
GUEST/S Sandra Maddox
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