The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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What Effects Does Childhood Trauma Have on an Adult? with Dr. James Gordon

December 12, 2019

When children grow up with trauma in their lives, it can often have a major impact on the way they live their lives as adults. However, some of these children find ways to turn their post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth. In the fourth and final episode of a series with Dr. James Gordon, Dr. Daniel Amen, Tana Amen, and Gordon talk about some of the ways past trauma can be overcome, or even transformed into a powerful tool for success.

How to Heal Yourself From Past Trauma, with Dr. James Gordon

December 11, 2019

People who have experienced trauma in their past are often affected in their present. Many of them think that their only options for treatment is to spend long hours on a psychiatrist’s couch. But what if you could conduct your own treatment, on your own time, in order to process your trauma? In the third episode with “The Transformation” author Dr. James Gordon, Dr. Daniel Amen, Tana Amen, and Gordon give you some practical tips to take control of your care and your life.

Can You Treat Mental Illness Without a Doctor? with Dr. James Gordon

December 10, 2019

If you suffer from a mental health condition and decide to seek treatment from a psychiatrist, you may have an underwhelming experience. The truth is that most psychiatrists don’t give their patients the proper time and attention needed to discover the best methods of treatment for a particular patient. Luckily, there are some things you can do to diagnose and treat these issues on your own. In the second episode of a series with Dr. James Gordon, the Amens and Dr. Gordon tell you how.

How to Make Yourself Sick, with Dr. James Gordon

December 9, 2019

Longtime followers of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast will know that Dr. Daniel Amen believes the traditional psychiatric model for care is dysfunctional and in need of a revolution. Psychiatrists who do 15-minute checks and then prescribe potentially harmful medication are often hurting more than helping. In this first episode with “The Transformation” author Dr. James Gordon, the Amens and Gordon discuss how you can take your health matters into your own hands.
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