The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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Remedies That Can Help You Against COVID-19, with Dr. Josh Axe

January 25, 2021

As the coronavirus death toll continues to climb, many are searching for answers as to why some people who get the virus only have light symptoms while others die. In this week’s series of the podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are joined by “Ancient Remedies” author Dr. Josh Axe for a discussion on the tried and true wellness techniques that have been practiced throughout history, and why these strategies could now be more important than ever.  For more info on Dr. Axe's new book, "Ancient Remedies", visit
CATEGORIES COVID-19, Diet, Food, Mood, Stress
GUEST/S Dr. Josh Axe

No Fear: How Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Can Change You, with Dr. Steven Hayes

December 15, 2020

Our nervous system doesn’t come with a delete button, therefore the triggers for our emotional reactions won’t just go away, making it crucial for us to find healthy ways to process emotional triggers. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by clinical psychologist Dr. Steven Hayes for a discussion on exactly how to do this. Through the use of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), we can help our brains to react more positively when trouble arises. For more info on Dr. Hayes book, visit

How to Calm Your Brain, with Dr. Steven Hayes

December 14, 2020

Though they’re amazing organs, our brains can be difficult to control. Processes such as epigenetics, which are deep-seated neural pathways passed down from generation to generation, sometimes give us instincts that are outdated or even potentially harmful. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are joined by “A Liberated Mind” author Dr. Steven Hayes for a discussion on how to tame those unconscious instincts and bypass obsolete brain functions.  For more info on Dr. Hayes book, visit

Dr. Amen’s Strategies to Deal with Long-Term Stress

October 13, 2020

Long-term stress can cause havoc on your brain, immune system, and overall sense of well-being. When the weight of your stresses don’t seem to be going away, it’s vital to take action to get your brain under control. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen give you some practical strategies brain warriors can use to heal the brain and body and reduce the effects of long-term stress. 

The Science Behind Omega 3 Fatty Acids, with Dr. Parris Kidd

October 8, 2020

In the fourth and final episode in a series with BrainMD Chief Science Officer Dr. Parris Kidd, he and Dr. Daniel Amen give you a comprehensive guide to Omega 3 fatty acids, including what they do in the body, the difference between the DPA and EHA types, whether algae-based mixtures are sufficient, why 98% of the population is deficient, and most importantly, why it’s so important to be part of that other 2%.  For more information on Omega 3 Power Squeeze from BrainMD, visit

What Role Does Vitamin C Play in Your Health? With Dr. Parris Kidd

October 7, 2020

Because of the coronavirus, immunity is at the top of everyone’s mind these days. Most of us know that vitamin C plays a role in the function of your immune system, but how exactly does it work? In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen is joined by supplement scientist Dr. Parris Kidd for a deep dive on why vitamin C is so crucial to your health. For more information on Neuro-C from BrainMD, visit

The Supplement Scientist’s Guide to Mushrooms, with Dr. Parris Kidd

October 6, 2020

There’s been a recent surge in scientific studies showing the health benefits of eating mushrooms. But with so many different types out there, how do you know which ones are the most helpful for you? In the second episode in a series with supplement scientist Dr. Parris Kidd, he and Dr. Amen do a roll call on the different types of mushrooms you can add to your nutritional regiment to give your health a major boost.  For more information on BrainMD, visit

A Scientist Tells You the Best Vegetables to Eat, with Dr. Parris Kidd

October 5, 2020

A recent survey found that 93% of the population doesn’t consume the minimum suggested amount of fruits and vegetables needed to stay healthy. What if there was a way to conveniently knock out all your daily veggies in one shot? Fortunately, this is exactly what Neurogreens can accomplish. In the first episode of a series on the latest in nutritional supplements with BrainMD Chief Science Officer Dr. Parris Kidd, he and Dr. Daniel Amen discuss an easy new way to get your daily intake of healthy veggies. For more information on Neurogreens from BrainMD, visit

Can Cats Increase Your Happiness?

September 17, 2020

In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen discuss some of the cutting edge, brain-centric news items and studies. Some of the topics explored in this episode are the brain effects that come with being a cat owner, what exercise can do to proteins in the brain, and the harmful effects of certain fungi in your gut and what to do to eradicate them. 
CATEGORIES Exercise, Gut Health, Mood

Moving Meditation: How it Trains Your Mind, with Jay Shetty

September 10, 2020

Former monk-turned author Jay Shetty says that meditation is not about emptying your mind. Rather it’s on directing your mind to enable you to stay present and focused. And this practice of training your mind doesn’t necessarily have to take place while seating in a quiet spot with no distractions. In this last episode of a series with Jay, he and the Amens discuss some of the ways you can train your mind to see beauty and complete experiences while in motion, whether it’s through yoga, martial arts, or just taking a walk.  For more info on Jay Shetty's new book "Think Like a Monk", visit
CATEGORIES Focus, Happiness, Meditation, Mood
GUEST/S Jay Shetty
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