The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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Grain Brain: How Gluten is Terrorizing You & Your Brain

January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! We are so excited to start this year with a bang by first of all bringing to the podcast some notable and renowned authorities in the field of brain health.  So to start the new year, we have with us today, Dr. David Perlmutter. Dr. Perlmutter is a board certified neurologist, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition, a four time New York Times bestselling author. He received his MD degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine, where he was awarded the Leonard G. Roundtree Research Award. He has published extensively in peer reviewed scientific journals, including the Archives of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and the Journal of Applied Nutrition. He's been interviewed all over the place, Dr. Oz, Oprah, the Today Show. One of my favorite books is Brain Maker. He's, also, the author of Grain Brain, the Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs and Sugar. He has a brand new book called The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan. Listen to this series with Dr. Perlmutter as we discuss about grain and it's impact in our gut and brain health.
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