The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

With Dr. Daniel & Tana Amen

Podcast hosts Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are changing the way we look at the brain and its direct connection to all things wellness. From weight loss to love and happiness to overcoming mental conditions like anxiety, depression and ADD. They deliver practical, everyday tips for building the best brain and best life possible. Click on one of the episodes below to listen today! You can also find The Brain Warrior’s Way on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Google Play.

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Beginning a Journey Towards Health and Wellness, with Darin Olien

September 21, 2020

When it comes to paths to wellness, it’s often our health struggles from early on in life that subconsciously point us in the right direction. This was certainly true for Darin Olien, who along with Zac Efron hosts the new Netflix series Down to Earth. In this episode of the podcast, Darin and the Amens discuss our bodies’ natural tendency towards healing, and how it’s so often sabotaged by the obstacles we tend to place in nature’s way.  For more info on Darin's new book "SuperLife: 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make Your Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome", visit For more on Darin's new Netflix series "Down to Earth with Zac Efron", visit
CATEGORIES Diet, Energy, Exercise, Food
GUEST/S Darin Olien

Is Your Sugar Addiction Stressing You Out? With Dr. Uma Naidoo

July 30, 2020

The last thing we need in our lives right now is more stress. The world has become full of uncertainties, and how we respond will play a big role in dictating our emotional health. But what if the stress is coming from within? In the fourth and final episode in a series with “This is Your Brain on Food” author Dr. Uma Naidoo, she and the Amens discuss how certain foods (especially sugar) are affecting your brain and leaving you feeling stressed out. For more info on Dr. Naidoo’s new book “This is Your Brain on Food”, visit

The Connection Between ADHD and the Foods You Eat, with Dr. Uma Naidoo

July 29, 2020

Food is medicine for your mind. What you put in your body BECOMES your body, so if you’re stuggling with brain health-related issues, the best place to start is on your plate. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen are once again joined by Harvard health blog writer Dr. Uma Naidoo for a discussion on which foods can help you increase your focus and attention. For more info on Dr. Naidoo’s new book “This is Your Brain on Food”, visit

How to Calm Your Anxiety Through Your Diet, with Dr. Uma Naidoo

July 28, 2020

Due to the pandemic, anxiety prescriptions have more than doubled. Although people are more anxious than ever, the choice to start taking anxiety meds is a big decision and comes with its own set of side effects. Luckily, there are some natural ways to treat your anxiety, and it all starts in the kitchen. In the second episode of a series with “This is Your Brain on Food” author Dr. Uma Naidoo, she and the Amens discuss which foods will help you feel better and relax, and which ones will cause your anxiety to skyrocket. For more info on Dr. Naidoo’s new book “This is Your Brain on Food”, visit

This is Your Brain on Food, with Dr. Uma Naidoo

July 27, 2020

As the director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, writer for the Harvard Health blog, and author of the new book “This is Your Brain on Food”, Dr. Uma Naidoo is on the cutting scientific edge of how your food affects your brain. In this first episode of a series with Dr. Naidoo, she and the Amens discuss holistic guidelines for keeping your brain in top shape. For more info on Dr. Naidoo’s new book “This is Your Brain on Food”, visit

COVID-19 Outbreak: Quick Tips for a Cleaner Household Today, with Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks

April 2, 2020

In the fourth and final episode of a series with Earth Friendly Products CEO Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen discuss some of the quick and easy ways you can clean your home and body for a healthier environment and a healthier life. Learn what types of products and techniques you should use, and which you should avoid at all costs.

Should You be Washing Your Food? With Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks

April 1, 2020

Because of COVID-19, we are all trying to live more cleanly in order to avoid contracting the virus. One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of this is the cleanliness of our food. On this third episode in a series with Earth Friendly Products CEO Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, the discussion is on how to prepare your food to make sure it’s safe to eat.

COVID-19: How to Effectively Clean and Sanitize Your Home, with Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks

March 31, 2020

During this time of pandemic, it’s more important than ever to keep your living area clean and safe. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation going around about how to accomplish this. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are again joined by Earth Friendly Products CEO Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks for a discussion on how to clean and disinfect your home properly.

Why You Should be Using Healthy Cleaning Products, with Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks

March 30, 2020

To help protect yourself from the coronavirus, the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting your home. The problem is that most cleaning products on the market are actually filled with toxins that could damage your health. In the first episode of a series with Earth Friendly Products CEO Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, she and the Amens discuss the importance of using clean products while cleaning.

Top Strategies to Start the Path to a Healthy Brain

March 26, 2020

It’s the end of the first week of the Brain Health Revolution Challenge, and in this episode, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen give you your marching orders to complete the first week’s tasks. Whether you want to take the challenge for yourself, or just want some quick, easy ways to get healthy, taking on the tasks outlined in this episode will set you firmly on the path toward a much healthier brain and healthier life.
CATEGORIES Diet, Food, Happiness, Mood, Positivity
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